January - June 2021

In the footsteps of winter, I began writing poems, stories and thoughts every day while looking at, out, into windows. From outside in, neighbourhoods, different homes, places. In the process of writing I began materializing details of these stories in different mediums suchs as; film, photography, sound, drawing, metal, weaving, knitting, patchwork, glass carving, etchings.

Video windows 4:52 min, Metal frame 60 x 60 cm, CD with sound album containing 15 songs, door frame with drawings ingraved in glass, weaving 20 x 250 cm, A5 book with 300 pages containing my photographs of windows collected in 8 years, 5 books with drawings, Japanese binded book with collected stories and poems of windows, etchings with drawings 10 x 25 cm, machine knitted streched window 15 x 25 cm, machine knitted blue sweater, woven hanging purple window frame 20 x 35 cm.

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